Beginner Bridge Lessons – Part 2
Enhance your bridge skills - Intermediate/beginner players.
January 9, 2024
9:30 am
11:30 am
How Much

About this Event
Refine your bridge skills with Beginner Bridge Lessons - Part 2, designed for intermediate/beginner players seeking to enhance their bidding and playing abilities. This session is a continuation of Part 1 for beginners.
Topics covered include Transfers, Stayman, Weak Twos, Preempts, Overcalls, Take-out Doubles, Negative Doubles, Big Hand Bidding (22 pts), 2 No Trump, Blackwood, and more.
The session features hands-on card exercises, handouts, and partner participation (suggested but not required).
To secure your spot, call or text Sue Vasey at 705-441-2240.
Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your bridge expertise!
Pricing Details
Members: $6
Non-members: $8
about the organizer
Collingwood Leisure Time Club

The Collingwood Leisure Time Club was established in 1988 by a dedicated group of community members. It is a non-profit corporation serving the senior community aged 50 plus.
Over the years, the club has grown with the support of generous donations and a bequest that doubled the size of the building in 1995. Today, the club accommodates over 1200 senior members.
The Collingwood Leisure Time Club is governed by a board of directors who volunteer their time and expertise to ensure the smooth functioning of the facility. The club's funding comes from annual membership fees, user activity fees, government grants, hall rentals, and special events.