Amanda Jerome Weddings & Events
Amanda Jerome Weddings & Events orchestrates flawless gatherings for weddings, corporate events, and intimate dinners, with over 25 years of expertise in etiquette, hospitality, food & beverage, organization, coordination, and planning.

Dreams require dreamers. No matter the occasion, whether it's a wedding, corporate event, or intimate dinner, experience is invaluable in orchestrating the perfect gathering. With Amanda Jerome Events, you can fully immerse yourself in each moment of your dream event, knowing that every detail will be flawlessly handled.
With over 25 years of expertise in etiquette, hospitality, food & beverage, organization, coordination, and planning, their team ensures a seamless and enjoyable event experience. They work tirelessly behind the scenes, allowing you to shine as the host while they handle all the logistics. You'll feel like a cherished guest at your own event.
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